Monday, 28 April 2008

you don't wanna know...!!!

gosto de pulseiras no tornozelo, não gosto dos meus pés, não gosto de manteiga de cacahuete mas gosto dos gato, a comida verde sabe-me bem, não sei cozinhar (bem!), não gosto de buzinas, gosto de falar inglês, não gosto do meu inglês, este post devia estar em inglês, caga nisso!, gosto da história do capuchinho vermelho, não gosto de taxistas, gosto de música em geral mas não da minha playlist em particular, gosto de sentir o sabor de cada cor e do Muidinga, gosto de dizer "sei lá!", não gosto que me digam "sei lá", gosto de dançar no lux com o gitu e o amarelo, gostava de plantar uma árvore, escrever um livro dá muito trabalho, gosto da expressão: "toma lá morangos!", não gosto de ser insegura, mas sou insegura, vou-me deixar de ser insegura, não gosto de chuva torrencial, gosto de andar à chuva na praia, gosto de nevoeiro, bzzzzzzzzzzz, gosto da palavra fog, ontem vi a cruela dos 101 dalmatas no chapitô, gosto de ouvir esta música aos altos berros, gosto do começo "era uma vez...", o dia da rainha na holanda devia ser um mês mais cedo, sou do grupo do hi5 de pessoas que odeiam levantar-se cedo, o meu papagaio é uma menina e chama-se jacob, ela dança ao som da música que gosto de ouvir aos altos berros e faz isto , gosto de ser pontual, não sou pontual, decidi ser pontual, vou passar a ser pontual, estou atrasada porque este post ta a levar séculos, inspirei-me num postal que encontrei, gosto da decoração marroquina, gosto de mesas japonesas, odeio ter a perna dormente, gosto de me sentar no chão, quando era pequena queria ser grande, não sou grande, vou à alfama não tarda nada, tenho saudades de pessoas, gosto da palavra Rasputin, sei k o gajo era mau e k tinha as 7 vidas dos gatos, tou com dores de cabeça, não gosto de benurons, queria descobrir uma coisa fixe, tenho de ir tomar banho, estou com preguiça.

Saturday, 26 April 2008

I am in an adaptation period. Being out for 7 months (and when I say "out", I mean "completely out"… only some "hello"s and "how are the things going?"… the typical bla bla bla!) makes the coming back not so easy.

then, looking into my mobile, I find myself sometimes thinking: "well, this call will sound weird! and what should I say?"

(the feeling is quite strange shall I say!)

Well... and I also have…

don't know! don't really know! =p

Anyway... all this just to say that I found a music that makes everything seem great, easy and beautiful!


and the movie is nice as well! =) (and also the singer isn't exactly ugly!) hehe

Thursday, 24 April 2008

still burning things... I cannot avoid it! it's already instinctive! haha

and well, besides cotton (and more cotton) and bags, I now also burn restaurant menus in restaurants with candles! =p

and here is the guy that used the menu after me, lol.

Monday, 21 April 2008

happy end...

someone once told me: don't cry because it ended, smile because it hapend!

=) <--- smile

and to those who were with me, near or far away:

I will never (ever) forget you* =)

Friday, 18 April 2008

the lady and the benetton =p


excuse me!?!


the sexy and the doll

wondering something

eyes that cannot shut...

through the glass

snif snif


hummm... I don't know... maybe!!!


upside down

the thinker

turn left... now!

on the way

Thursday, 17 April 2008


Tiago says:
Tia ontem o Benfica perdeu
Tiago says:
Que pena
Tiago says:

(sabem akele smile do diabo com cara de mau? pois, não dá pa ver mas esse também existiu nesta conversa!!!)

alem de achar que o ronaldo nao tem jeito nenhum pa publicidade e ter de o ver a cada 3 min na tv...

estou revoltada com o benfica
estou revoltada com o benfica
estou revoltada com o benfica
estou revoltada com o benfica
estou revoltada com o benfica
estou revoltada com o benfica
estou revoltada com o benfica
estou revoltada com o benfica
estou revoltada com o benfica
estou revoltada com o benfica
estou revoltada com o benfica
estou revoltada com o benfica

(e o sporting está de parabens... conseguio dar uma banhada ao benfica na segunda parte!!! e k banhada! força ai pela taça!!!)

Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Tuesday, 15 April 2008

my allstar...

Today I dedicate my post to my great ones allstart...

and although they are not "made in Portugal", they deserve some portuguese words... so, if you excuse me:

são mesmo fixes pah!!!

e são fixes de pijama também! e se são fixes de pijama é porque são mesmo fixes!

ps: fixes = cool! and that's what matters!

Friday, 11 April 2008

well, that I am distracted everyone already knows, but losing my plane for mixing up the seat number with the gate number in my ticket... well that is a tiny little bit... hummm stupid! =(
but well, also a tiny little bit comprehensible (or not!).

when I went to do the check in, in the middle of the BLA BLA BLA of the lady, I heard some B related with the boarding gate.

(she even signalized the gate with a circle in the ticket, bahhh!).

One hour later I went to the gate and sat there reading, waiting to be called.
And it is then that, in the middle of my readings, the lady calls the passengers... to BARCELONA!

"what? but I want to go to madrid!!!"

And well, I looked again to the ticket and I not only realized that the big letters weren't the gate but the seat, but also that my flight has already gone 10 minutes ago.

(crap... the big letters should be the gate. when people look to the ticket to see the seat, they are at least already inside the plane!!!)

anyway, after the happy finding, there I was, going to the one that was really my gate...

"please be delayed, please be delayed, please be delayed!"

No delay of course, and also no people, only two ladies and a guy in the boarding desk, already preparing themselves to go probably to another gate to do another boarding call!

(I was quite a little bit (a LOT) nervous... paying 150 euros for a new ticket wasn't exactly on my survival plans for the near future!)

and well, in the middle of english, dutch and portuguese (in the phone) words, I eventually got a ticket to lisbon for 12h later! (at 7 a.m... a sleeples night in the airport!!! so GREAT!) =(

but well, since there are still good people in the world, the ticket was for free =p (but schhhhh, it's not supposed to be known!) lol

The funniest part was that, while I was reading and waiting to be called (suppously to madrid!), I heard the airport voice calling for someone called Antunes (but since dutch people cannot read portuguese words correctly, I didn't understand the other names):

"BLA BLA BLA Antunes, please go to your gate. You are delaying the flight and your baggage will soon be removed from the plane!"

I remember thinking: "another Antunes in the airport! funny!"

stupid me!

And there went inês to a cafe to spend the night.

later, still in the aeroport cafe, a security guy that was taking his midnight coffee came to speak with me (maybe because he was feeling pitty for me)! and well, I found out that he was Fred, from suriname, that he was already in holland for 20 years and that he was mad at his daughter and wife because they spent 100 euros in leather boots. lol

being a security guard, he was not allowed to take pictures... but schhhh!!!

finally the plane!!!

and that's it... 7 mounths later it ended as it started, in the madrid aeroport (now looking for gate k19 to lisbon, the right one shall I say!).

I cannot explain what I felt... it was that kind of feeling about a yesterday that one day would be very far way, but so yesterday... as yesterday!


Thursday, 10 April 2008

writing a thesis takes away all my inspiration to write other things (and also to write the thesis itself)!

if only the sky was shining... but even that is not happening!

stupid weather!!!


ps - I like him =)

pa catarina...

parabens bonita*** =)

e toma lah disto!!! =) e gosto de ti tambem! =)

ps - adorava isto qd era miuda... e gosto! =)

Thursday, 3 April 2008

I am not a magician... (a minnie maybe!)

but I was able to be in 3 countries (already corrected =p) at the same time =)

(february, carnaval, in the Three Countrys Point: belgium, holland and germany)

parabens parabens parabens juuuu*

Tuesday, 1 April 2008

when I was a child I used to be told that in the end of a rainbow there was a treasure.
I remember once trying to reach the end of one... I gave up half an hour later when I realized that that dam thing was far far away, well beyond the limits of my freedom (and also of my mother's patience to come with me).

anyway... all this only to tell you that the netherlands have a very peculiar characteristic:

sometimes all four seasons come in a row in the same day. In the morning I have an amazing spring soleil; at the lunch time the warm air entering through the windows reminds a warm summer heat; In the afternoon the autumn rain gives me the second shower of the day on my way back home; and in the night the winter is cold and windy... so windy that I sometimes wake up with the wind howling at my windows.

another characteristic of the netherlands is when the seasons mix together. Yesterday, for instance, it rained a lot while the sun was shining. you can imagine what came up =)

parabens inesita!!!

bjinhos linda =D