but well, also a tiny little bit comprehensible (or not!).
when I went to do the check in, in the middle of the BLA BLA BLA of the lady, I heard some B related with the boarding gate.
(she even signalized the gate with a circle in the ticket, bahhh!).
One hour later I went to the gate and sat there reading, waiting to be called.
And it is then that, in the middle of my readings, the lady calls the passengers... to BARCELONA!
"what? but I want to go to madrid!!!"
And well, I looked again to the ticket and I not only realized that the big letters weren't the gate but the seat, but also that my flight has already gone 10 minutes ago.
anyway, after the happy finding, there I was, going to the one that was really my gate...
"please be delayed, please be delayed, please be delayed!"
No delay of course, and also no people, only two ladies and a guy in the boarding desk, already preparing themselves to go probably to another gate to do another boarding call!
(I was quite a little bit (a LOT) nervous... paying 150 euros for a new ticket wasn't exactly on my survival plans for the near future!)
and well, in the middle of english, dutch and portuguese (in the phone) words, I eventually got a ticket to lisbon for 12h later! (at 7 a.m... a sleeples night in the airport!!! so GREAT!) =(
but well, since there are still good people in the world, the ticket was for free =p (but schhhhh, it's not supposed to be known!) lol
The funniest part was that, while I was reading and waiting to be called (suppously to madrid!), I heard the airport voice calling for someone called Antunes (but since dutch people cannot read portuguese words correctly, I didn't understand the other names):
"BLA BLA BLA Antunes, please go to your gate. You are delaying the flight and your baggage will soon be removed from the plane!"
I remember thinking: "another Antunes in the airport! funny!"
stupid me!
And there went inês to a cafe to spend the night.
later, still in the aeroport cafe, a security guy that was taking his midnight coffee came to speak with me (maybe because he was feeling pitty for me)! and well, I found out that he was Fred, from suriname, that he was already in holland for 20 years and that he was mad at his daughter and wife because they spent 100 euros in leather boots. lol
being a security guard, he was not allowed to take pictures... but schhhh!!!
finally the plane!!!
and that's it... 7 mounths later it ended as it started, in the madrid aeroport (now looking for gate k19 to lisbon, the right one shall I say!).
I cannot explain what I felt... it was that kind of feeling about a yesterday that one day would be very far way, but so yesterday... as yesterday!
Luuuna, I can't believe it!!!
Poor beautiful!! :(
I know what it is felt when u are alone for 12 hours in an airport... horrible! it seems that time doesn't run! Well, at least, your mistake was free, bc my mistake was really expensive... :P and you made friends! hahaha You are the best!! =)
Well, finally you arrived at home. Sweet home!
Take care a lot!! Kisses
mékié nes?
ganda aventura para acabar, é assim mesmo. acho q agora n gozas cmg por me ter esquecido do passaporte em casa!
I think we can all agree this is a record..more then 100 people waiting for you!! You deserve a guinness world record special edition..
Um bocadinho despassarada, não?:P mas sim... realente podiam destacar mais o "Gate".
Enfim... tiveste uma viagem à borla(ssshiiu), querias o quê mais, hum?
: )
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