Friday 16 October 2015

Corridor conversation...

Me: Kevin, there are more things in the world besides whiskey you know?
Irish Colleague: So I heard, but I believe it is just a rumor.

Saturday 26 September 2015

Thursday 24 September 2015


If there were any doubts and concerns... here is the explanation.

The European Refugee Crisis and Syria Explained in 6 min

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Para os que dizem que devemos primeiro resolver os problemas no nosso país e só depois nos preocupar com os outros: aqui vão algumas fotos dos países de origem dos refugiados. Felizmente o nosso país não esta nestas condiçōes e ainda é habitável, senão também nós portugueses teríamos de fugir e ser ajudados. é triste ver que os que lidam ou vivem com mais dificuldades e injustiças são os primeiros a fechar a porta, a ser tão frios para com a desumanidade que existe neste mundo. espero que nunca passem pelo terror que estas fotos mostram. e espero que se dêem conta que somos todos humanos e iguais e devemos todos lutar não só pelo bem da nossa nação (claro), mas mais do que isso pelo bem da humanidade. sem humanidade, nenhuma nação sobreviverá. NÃO SEI qual é a solução para resolver a elevada entrada de refugiados na Europa sem prejudicar os que recebem e os recebidos, NÃO SEI. Nem sei bem se existirão e quais serão as consequências, se é que serão grandes? mas não ajudar não é a solução de certeza. e espero que todo o mundo se dê conta do que se está a passar e aja para acabar com todas as guerras, com a destruição do nosso planeta, para que não existam pessoas a precisar de fugir do seu próprio país. Que triste... :(

Wednesday 11 March 2015

My Message... :)

A long time ago I had an idea and translated it into a known sentence with the help of many good friends. Life did not allow me to share it by then (too busy being busy) and today, thinking about my memories, I decided to continue what I once started together with many nice people and never shared. Thank you to all my friends that participated, that helped me funding and organizing it and a special thank you to Eric Wille, one of the best photographers I have ever met. :)

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Sometimes, many times, I would like to find more good news in the newspapers and internet about beautiful landscapes, nice people and meaningful attitudes. Healthy stories about people who achieved something wonderful, about travelling, about happiness and sharing.
Instead I read more and more about acts of wickedness against people, families, children, animals and the nature. Horrible things I never imagined were even possible.
More and more I see people loosing their reason, lucidity and their heart. I see more and more people moved by ambition, power and arrogance, mixing their so called "beliefs" with corruption and prejudice. Monsters that feel no pity for the innocents they physically and emotionally hurt and/or kill.
I feel impotent and can only hope never to cross the path of such creatures. I can only hope that we all stop being quiet in our "safe" niche and realise how to stop this violence without creating more wickedness. I wish we all learn how to move crowds to fight for a better and fair world.

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Saturday 21 February 2015

animal racional? o ser humano? Não. :(

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Doing photosynthesis before the sun sets behind the building in front...

In the office now there are (a lot of) papers, computers, phone calls, telecons, stress and... sun :)

Saturday 31 January 2015

In the beginning I loved it (too funny), then I didn't like it so much (too promiscuous), then I liked it again (the romance...), then it got boring a bit (too much of the same), and here I am now, starting to enjoy it once more (end of season 5). pretty sure I will dislike the beginning of the following season to then love it again. and so on...

Wednesday 28 January 2015

a bit more...

I wish I had the time to be more of myself, of my music, of my baby, family, my people and pets.
I wish I had the time to be more of my good memories, my present, my questions and my dreams.
I wish I had the time to be more of nature and paradise, landscapes and animals and to fallow my instinct.
I wish I had more time to save the world, stop the weapons, be more of a traveler, of a mother, a wife, a friend.
I wish I had the free time I don't have to bring things together and stick to my principles. To worry about smiling rather than about my wallet, to trash what is useless and to live like there was no stress nor tomorrow.
I wish I had more time to Not spend it in front of technology or terrible news, to save the world again, to not be selfish, afraid or anguished.
I wish I had more time to learn how to listen, to not argue, to not yell, to whisper complements, be proud of who I am and not hurt anyone.
I wish I had free time to just do nothing, relax in front of the stars and listen to their stories. To read books, write poems for someone special, plant trees, make love, show my son a beautiful sunset and have more children.
I deeply wish I had more time to not be always wishing, to just feel the breeze of life as it comes, go with it and actually be... a bit more of myself.

Saturday 10 January 2015

Je suis...

Je suis Charlie, Je suis Nigerian, Je suis Afghanistan, Je suis Syrian, Je suis Iraqi, Je suis Palestinian, Je suis Pakistani, Je suis Libyan, Je suis South Sudanese, Je suis a father robbed and killed over an euro or 2, Je suis a daughter assaulted and raped in my own street, Je suis a wife burned to death by a jealous husband, Je suis a muslim wife that felt in love and was lapidated to death, Je suis a happy turist flying to Malasia during the Ukrainian revolution, Je suis a prostitute widow with 4 children to raise, Je suis an honest guy killed by an armed angry driver over a traffic fight, Je suis a cute newborn abandoned in the street dust bin of a pleasant neighbourhood, Je suis an innocent dog that was brutally and savagely killed in Korea, Je suis a sweet Humpback whale slaughtered by the Japanese , Je suis, Je suis, Je suis... :(

When I was little I was afraid of monsters, now I am afraid of people...