The story is simple:
there we were in rome, me and pietro, already inside the train, waiting for it to start the long trip back to Florence.
We spent all day walking so I was really tired. pietro was quiet, also resting.
The first half an hour was calm, no energy for even a word. Only to stand beside the window, looking into the mountains that quickly were passing by.
Everything was ok until an italian man around his fifties or sixties sat in front of a woman in the chairs next to ours.
He started speaking and speaking and speaking… I have never seen a guy having so much energy to speak during so much time without stopping, not even to breathe.
I couldn't understand a word of what he was saying of course, but since pietro is a gentleman (cof cof) he translated what he could or at least what was making him laugh in the man's speech.
According to what pietro translated: the guy is (or is trying to be) a writer, now writing about a man in the vatican that does something extraordinary that I didn't understand (english with an italian accent sometimes is really difficult to catch! =p); then he started speaking about the italian politics (and in this subject you can imagine that he spent a lot of time… there are many funny stories to tell =P); he also spoke about the weather (always interesting…) and his life when he lived in America.
(Poor lady… she was so quiet having a good time with her book and then a men who just couldn't shut his mouth off arrives and spoils her good time alone, without even letting her breathe to say a word in the middle of his bla bla bla)
But well, when the lady was allowed to speak (only for a little of course) I discovered that she was living in england, that she was visiting her son in Italy and that she was BRASILIANNNN.
"pietro she speaks portugueseeee, she speaks portugueseeee"
But pietro didn't let me speak to her, or else we would have been the next victims.
The funny thing was that when the men discovered that she knew english, he started to speak in english. But when the conversation was getting complicated, he again started in his funny and strong italian.
The poor lady was answering in italian or in english, accordingly with the language of the questions.
However, I think that in fact he was not interested in having a sort of a "monologue" with someone, but in having something SEXUAL with that someone.
So the best came next: he started to try something with her, in a very OBVIOUS way.
and well, it seemed that knowing that the lady was married was not enough for him to stop.
(I still think that the marriage thing was only an excuse, since I didn't see any ring.)
Anyway, if in the beginning he was in front of her speaking a lot and a lot; in the end he was already by her side and very very close, with those kind of silent moments where she was feeling like calling for HELP while he was getting closer and closer.
FINALLY, after almost 3h of suffering, HER STATION!!!!
"THANK GOD!" she thought!
But he didn't even give her time to a breath relief:
And they went…
you should have seen her anguished face… poor poor poor lady!!!
I don't think I would have let this happen for so long… but she was really very polite!! Poor poor!!!
I wish I could have taken a picture to them and to her suffering face! hahaha
I took other pictures though... (as always) =)
ps - I still don't understand this last picture, but they were having lots of fun while doing it... =D
bye to all =)