Monday 21 March 2011

"All I know is that I know nothing!"

As for myself: I know that I don't know what I don't know...
Then this ignorance about (the extent of) my own ignorance gets mixed up with what I think I know (or thought I knew) and with what I really know (or knew).
And the result is, of course: a Complete Ignorance; which creates a Mess in my ignorant mind... basically!

"Só sei que nada sei!"

Pois, e eu só sei que não sei o que não sei...
E depois esta ignorância sobre (a extensão d)a minha própria ignorância mistura-se com o que eu acho que sei (ou achava) e com o que eu realmente sei (ou sabia).
E o resultado é, pois claro: ignorância total; o que cria uma bagunça na minha mente ignorante... basicamente.


Anonymous said...

I understand you, 'cause that makes a lot of mess with what you don't know you know!
How many things you don't know to know mixed up with the ones you really don't know?


I wanted to write: "thank you to exist", but it would be much better to thank your pusher to exist.
"Thank you, Moon's pusher!"


Luna said...

it says: de nada! :)