Saturday 10 July 2010


it's in a portuguese village, near a portuguese beach and landscape, with a portuguese sun and moonlight.
It has a portuguese castle nearby, close to a portuguese cold sea kissed by a portuguese and yellow warm sand.
Of course there will be the Bacalhau and the Cosido à Portuguesa (i.e. portuguese food) down there, as well as the typical high portuguese temperatures and the portuguese blue sky!

In what concerns to the music and the people, well: those are a lot, great and from the World. :)

World Music Festival in Sines

(eu vou, pois claro!)


Anonymous said...


Luna said...

the site is there? :)
28-31 July!

Anonymous said...

ok. Dank u.

andré said...

não faças como eu: compras os bilhetes com antecedência (a sério).