Wednesday 26 August 2009

I am (still) not on holidays...

but it seems that locus focus is.

it is probably a blog summer syndrome (or maybe a kind of Influenza B virus, I don’t know...).

the truth is that I feel a lack of words and inspiration (and also cerebral synapses every time I think about me almost in the south-western corner of europe, haha).

so, if you excuse me, I will continue with my silence and my synapses and let you with the Zebra of Jonh Butler Trio (below).

see you in the next (don't know when) story.

ora portantos, ando pouco inspirada. E só a saudade do zé povinho, costa alentejana, da sangria do bairro e do pei(xinho) (também te adoro dré! =p) da Ericeira me têm causado certas comichões na cabeça.

até (pessoalmente) pa semana.



João Rosa said...

...peixinho da Ericeira!

Alguém que me compreende!

andré said...

hiii, chaval, mas qual peixinho?