Sunday 13 July 2008

the bridge is broken...

someone once told me that it is impossible to explain the feeling that describes erasmus. he actually tried and told me that it is a period of your life where you are yourself intensively and become a person that even you didn't know... able to really feel each second of your life, as an individual or within a new family of new friends... new forever friends, even if you won't see them again.

now I understand what he means...

my version compares it to a song… that kind of song that touches you really deep when you listen to for the first time...
however, as all the good music, the “erasmus song” does not play forever. it just takes the right time to leave an horizon inside you. =)

I hope I can have many favorite songs during my life... and erasmus was definitively one of them. =)

well... all this BLABLABLA to tell you that I am about to go back to holland, this time to work.

I know it will be different, I know it will be new... a new spirit, a new music... a new me! =)

ps - and a good song, of course...


juicebox said...

boa escolha *

andré said...

o dude foi o gajo que melhor descreveu a experiência de estar em erasmus, ou numa situação semelhante. é um período em que pessoas jovens com objectivos na vida bastante semelhantes se juntam, num país estrangeiro, com uma vontade enorme de ter novas experiências, de ver coisas novas e, sobretudo (será redundante?) de se divertirem.

eu acho que os meus seis meses e meio não poderiam ter mais de cada um dos pontos.

qnd chegas? :)

Luna said...

disseste tudo =)

sexta ai vou eu***

pietro said...

ah..Delft..ah..(too much nostalgic anyway..)

pietro said...

(I'm still waiting for you pictures..)

Manuel said...

Que tudo corra pelo melhor. Que cantes e dances muitas músicas dessas ao longo da tua vida...!



Anonymous said...

bom gosto musical sim senhor ;p

Nuno Miguel Melo Antunes said...

Hello Sister

So, you are going to start on the real world?
I hope that you really became a great mechanical orange in your private and professional life.
"Mother Nature does not tell you how many holes there are in a roulette table, nor does she deliver problems in a textbook way. In the real world, one has to guess the problem more than the solution."
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Kisses and good luck in December come and visit your brother