Thursday 31 July 2008

daquelas coisas...

se não houver stress com os cadeados das minhas 2 biclas (cujas chaves são bastante problemáticas) e se não perder o comboio, demoro exactamente o álbum 2006 dos cansei de ser sexy desde o momento em que fecho a porta da minha casa de leiden ate ao momento em que entro no departamento de microbalala alala de delft.

Track listing:

1. CSS Suxxx
2. Patins
3. Alala
4. Let's Make Love and Listen to Death from Above
5. Art Bitch
6. Fuckoff is Not the Only Thing You Have to Show
7. Meeting Paris Hilton
8. Off The Hook
9. Alcohol
10. Music Is My Hot Hot Sex
11. This Month, Day 10

e já agora:


Luna said...

if there is no stress with the lockers of my 2 bikes (which keys are really problematic) and if I don't lose the train, I take precisely the cansei de ser sexy 2006 album since the moment I close the door of my house in leiden until the moment I get into the microbalala alala building in delft.

and speaking about CCS:

andré said...
