Monday 12 May 2008

let's talk about the weather ;)

no more books, exams, teachers, pressures, schedules...

the feeling is quite strange and I still don't feel that happiness of relief (that I should?!?).
now I'm feeling obliged to, not only feel happy and relieved, but also to do something from now on that was already pre-established a long time ago, even before I was born or made!
It’s just like that I (and everyone) was already waiting for it since I don’t remember when...

It's not bad, it's just Not surprising or new or spontaneous... it's natural without being so! and also the future... unknown without being unknown!

so, am I happy? yes.

do I feel it? I need some time! =p

am I scared? completely!!!


but well, as they say, an end is always a start so...

done =)

...and bye bye!


joaninha said...

Carlos Castaneda _the artof dreaming
breathe, give space in the time, search for
ps excellent mark that one ;)

João said...

hey and what about the weather? :P

Quando li o título achei que ias fazer a previsão desta semana ou coisa do género :P Onde está??

Manchas said...

"no more books, exams, teachers, pressures, schedules..."

Então vê lá mas é se dormes que para me teres visto hoje é porque andavas na rua antes das 8h... Eu não me importo de sofrer sozinho.


andré said...

grande sensação essa de bye bye alameda! não é? :)

Manuel said...

:O.... tb foste uma das sacrificadas pelo IST? bem vinda ao clube:P

beijinho, boa sorte para o que vier daqui para a frente!

Luna said...

gostei! =)

nublado joao nublado =p

fui domir depois miguel ;)

da-me tempo dre lol

tks =)

Carles said...

Is this your university? It has a dick shape!!!

Ana said...

Parabéns!! Vais ver que não há razão pra estares assustada... Achamos q não sabemos nada mas depois até sabemos qualquer coisa;)

Bjinho grande