Thursday 27 September 2007

Maurice, I am writing in english today because of you (but only for today, first I need to improve my english =P).
Tomorrow I'll demand a gift from you, hehe.

Here we have our laboratory routine…

It's clear that we are very hard workers… Well, I am harder than Maurice because, when he and his partners are not teasing me in the office, he´s just supervising me and, most of the time, in a comfortable chair. =P

(I think that tomorrow I will suffer, won't I Maurice?) :S glup…

Well... and these are examples of some deviations to our lab routine (not my fault… cof cof...).
The picture above has a story: As I told you before, in our lab it is pretty common to have mascots for each fermentation. However, these two mascots belonged to two fermentations that didn't go well... so it was decided to get the Barbie and the Smurf together in a new fermentation; and not only together but also in an peculiar position. Maybe now they get inspired and the fermentation works, lol.

As you can see, these are the things I learn here in the lab (I am seriously thinking about adding these new motivation techniques to my lab protocol). LOL

After the lab me, joana (another victim of biological engeneering in IST who is also in erasmus in the same building that me) and some of her colleagues decided to go to the department coffee, which, as she describes, looks like those night portugueses coffees where only old men go. And I agree!

later: An italian party, where almost everyone was spanish and I was the only portuguese. lol
bye bye and see you on monday (Belgium weekend again, hehe).

ps - If you think that I used to drink a lot of refrigerants (usED), you should see Maurice... God!!!


Unknown said...

Hahaha Just wait and see... I still have your statue of liberty photo on my mobile :)

Luna said...

I am not afraid!!!!

andré said...


Anocas said...

I bet that the statue photo is nothing compared to the ones from our dinners and stuff. Right Inesita?

Andy10 said...

Hello Nês! So today is english day right? You wrote in english so the commentaries are all in english so I'll "talk" in english too=p
I come here sometimes to know how you are doing in your new reality and that way I almost feel like your here with me and not so far away=)
I see that you like the contry and the people around wich is very good to make your adaptation easier..
In six months it's my turn=) Who knows I go near there and we can see each other..It would be great!
Lots of kisses*

PS:Desafio-Será que saberás quem sou logo à primeira? duas pista..emule bowlfish ao poder!e conheci-te um dia antes de teres exame de código..=)


Luna said...

yes right nokes!! =p

Luna said...

hummm... dont really know who u are!!! =(

Luna said...

mas eu ja fiz o codigo ha imenso tempo (3anos e meio)... =S nao lembro mesmo! Provavelmente fui te pedir socorro nalguma definicao do emule... nao?

Anonymous said...

Belgium dear Belgium..
Big parties are waiting for you:)

Unknown said...

Nokes, that's why you have Photoshop :P