Friday 30 October 2009

e pronto...

(something portuguese, sorry...)

...mais uma história minha que vai passar na antena 1. =)

e é boa a sensação, pois para alguém que está longe das terras lusitanas faz sempre bem partilhar palavras com o canto português.

não mata saudades, mas aviva ligações e boas nostalgias.

por isso aqui vão os detalhes:

A história vai passar no dia 1 de Novembro (domingo), na Antena 1, no programa História de Vida ás 13h (provavelmente mais tarde, pois ás 13h começa o programa).

(e para os internacionais como eu, não se esqueçam de corrigir o hora com a de portugal...)

a frequência da rádio é a 95.7

o link é o:

também podem consultar o blog para mais infos sobre a programação nesse dia:

Desta vez já não será sobre animais, mas sobre uma carruagem algures entre amesterdão e leiden.

e não digo mais nada. ;)

quem quiser ouvir, pronto, já sabe.

beijinhos e, como eles dizem, boas histórias***

Wednesday 28 October 2009

about movie festivals when you are abroad...

not all of them have english subtitles!


...gonna see a french one and try to understand as much as possible. ;)

Tuesday 27 October 2009

Shhhh… (do u want to meet?)

besides the routine and usual behaviors, there are also signs and small details...

signs that you make up and interpret your own way...
details you shouldn’t miss or discard...

basically some little big things that somehow fulfill you once in a while.

so,… that's why I like the sheets of paper and big windows; smileys and short sentences; printers and different buildings; mirrors and fridges; eyes looking at each other and long distance dialogues; dreams and someone falling from the chair; laughs and tic tac toe games; questions to be made and insecurities; silent-behaviors and an unread message; seconds and minutes; hours and days; a reflecting light and two smiles; a missed-opportunity and...

...happy endings.

thank you joão =)

Monday 26 October 2009

A photo album’s simple story, a simple (non alcohol) laughing smile…

Vicente was on his caipirinha and probably martini mode; Julio on his 8th beer I think; the girl on the left (who I don’t know) was not exactly sober either; and the other one (also a complete stranger) was, guess what?… yes, in a high alcoholic humor.

And actually, although it may not seem like it, I was the only one with alcohol free drinks that day, more specifically, with a Fanta attitude…

But yes, indeed I was laughing…
Laughing of Vicente’s lack of balance…
Laughing of a (non) serious Julio…
Laughing of 2 girls who unexpectedly jumped to the middle of us…
Laughing of a vodka-orange that suddenly took off...

And so there I was… consciously laughing, consciously enjoying, consciously memorizing each detail…

Surrounded by relaxed moods, lost in the confusion, absorbed by unforgettable feelings, meaningful moments…

Feelings that are non-sense but one of a kind…

Moments that you supposedly wouldn’t remember the day after, but that you smile about when you do, be it 1, 2 or 867 days afterwards.

Tuesday 20 October 2009

for the windows in paradise

sufjan stevens

"If there's anything to say, if there's anything to do,
If there's any other way, I'll do anything for you."

Tuesday 13 October 2009

things you shouldn't do...

...when you arrive home completly wet and cold!

well, go to turn on the heater now. excuse me! ;)

Sunday 11 October 2009

tenho a vista nublada...

...e o céu também.

Wednesday 7 October 2009


*raquel, francesco, maria, tiago, me.

et la chanson du jour, bien sûr...

Thomas Dutronc - J'aime plus Paris

Tuesday 6 October 2009

Dutch Newton's laws of motion

The three physical laws that form the basis for classical Dutch mechanics are:

1. A body at rest in the beach in the sun stays at rest in the beach in the sun; and a body in motion in the beach walking in the sun stays in motion in the beach walking in the sun, unless it is acted on by an external force of rain and wind, F, that makes it move (or run, depending on the intensity of the rain) to hide somewhere or to get an umbrella.

2. That force of rain and wind, F, is related with our hurried movement to run and get the umbrella. Therefore, it is given by by the mass of our bodies times the acceleration of the movement:
F = m.a

Depending on the the rain that suddenly starts while you are in the beach, the acceleration also changes: the bigger the force of the rain, the bigger the acceleration to run or get the umbrella from the bag will be.

3. Whenever the sunlight intensity (even the real warm one that makes us dress the bikini and go with a huge acceleration, a, to the beach), there is always a second body, an umbrella (which you must not forget, never!) exerting a force -F against the rain and wind that might suddenly and unexpectedly start. To this rain/wind-umbrella relation we call the action-reaction pair.

And yes, I broke my umbrella this day... the action-reaction pair was not really even and the wind cheated (here it cheats quite often actually!).


As leis Holandesas de Newton

São 3 leis físicas e constituem a base da mecânica clássica holandesa. Ora bem:

1. um corpo parado, deitado na praia ao sol, permanece parado, deitado na praia ao sol; e um corpo em movimento na praia a caminhar ao sol, permanece em movimento na praia a caminhar ao sol, a não ser que uma força externa F de chuva e vento o faça mover (ou correr, dependendo da intensidade da chuva) para se esconder algures ou procurar um guarda-chuva.

2. essa força de chuva e vento está relacionada com o nosso movimento apressado para correr e procurar um guarda-chuva. Ela é portanto igual à massa dos nossos corpos vezes a aceleração do movimento:
F = m.a

Dependendo da chuva que subitamente começa enquanto se está na praia, a aceleração também muda: quanto maior a força com que chove, maior será a aceleração da corrida ou da procura pelo guarda-chuva.

3. qualquer que seja a intensidade da luz solar (até aquela muito quente que nos faz vestir o bikini e ir de imediato para a praia numa aceleração, a, gigante), há sempre um segundo corpo, um guarda-chuva (o qual nunca se deve esquecer, nunca nunca!), a exercer uma força F contra a chuva e vento que entretanto poderão súbita e inesperadamente começar. A esta relação entre a chuva/vento e o guarda-chuva dá-se o nome de par acção-reacção.

ps - quanto à foto,... sim, de facto o guarda-chuva partiu-se neste dia. o par acção-reacção não estava equilibrado porque o vento fez batotice (aliás, fáz quase sempre por estas estas bandas!).

olá joão

eu sei, eu sei... mais um post que não foi post.


sou uma inconstante!

mas pronto, pelo menos este ficou, fica e vai ficar! e vai com música também:

Neutral Milk Hotel - Naomi

Sunday 4 October 2009

a good saturday night...

...of lasagnas and cheese, some carrots and chocolate, apple juices and a pack of chips.

...of peanuts, forks and a table. plastic cups and tea-spoons, poured oil on the towel and used napkins.

…of balconies and cafe, corks and cans, smoke and sugar, cigarettes and no-cigarettes.

a good saturday night of rain and wind outside, cars buzzing and books discovered on the shelf, tired movements and easy conversations.

...of rest and no courage to go out, of people to meet and missed phone calls, relaxing moods and TV.

...of unexpected laughs and lost words, some silence and music tunes, sofas and colors, lamps and moon lights.

a good saturday night of something yesterday, something ours, something us…

*me, tiago and ricardo.

…and something coming from the computer, something deloris, something playing the spaces.

Friday 2 October 2009

um som infinito...

...que um momento infinito...

Les yeux au ciel ofereceu.

from Les Chansons d'Amour

s e mais um.

to my estec family:


yes it's me and tiago out of holland! yes, it's portugal! yes, it was cloudy! yes, it was a bit windy! no, it was not cold!
(no, he was not with a bellyache!) =p
...and yes, it was a nice cloudy beach in a nice windy afternoon looking to a portuguese hidden but warm sun!

…but no, no longer in this beach. yes, both back to holland, presently inside an office with an air conditioning at 22ºC and a window showing a grey landscape… a cold, windy and rainy one! grrr...
ps – it’s good to make us work though, né Sr. Soares?
ps2 - and also to write blablabla about the weather!!!

Thursday 1 October 2009

it is 12 f***in degrees in leiden...

sorry for the "f***in" word, but it's f***in true!

ps - it's cold... f***!